AK-2LD Alaska Mountain Goat

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Interested? Fill out the form below or call us at (918) 258-7817 for more information.

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This is one our long time outfitters and one of our most reliable.  Even though they are in Alaska they are always prompt with their communication and let us know what our clients can expect and how their hunt is going.

Overall success rate of this hunt has been 95% for over 20 years! As you can expect this hunt can test the physical condition of the most seasoned hunter but the reward is well worth the effort.

Even though we set up base camp, the hunt is conducted from spike camps that can be moved daily. One advantage to hunting mountain goats in Alaska is we rarely hunt above 3000 feet as compared to BC where hunts can be above 10,000 feet in elevation.

What’s Included:

Pick up at airport, spike camp tent along with gear, Mountain House style meals, 6 days of guided hunting, field prep and trophy care.

Not Included:

License, tag, bush plane ($1100 round trip) any hotel nights needed before or after the hunt, hunters will need to bring own sleep bag and pad


Tent camps

Trip Duration:

6 days of hunting




Cordova, AK

How to get there:

Fly direct to Cordova


$160 License, $600 Goat Tag

Application Deadline:


Starts September 15th.

Interested? Fill out the form below or call us at (918) 258-7817 for more information.

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new hunters prep course

The purpose of ths course is to prepare you for an upcoming hunt, where you can expect to shoot at ranges from 200 to 500 yards. Hunting can be demanding and put a a good amount of stress on you both physically and mentally. Our instructors, who are avid hunters as well, will make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful on your next hunt.
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