AG-2 Argentina Red Stag Patagonia

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This lodge is located in the province of Neuquen; the heart of the big game mountain hunting area of Argentina, at 1000 miles from Buenos Aires, where our game was introduced from Europe more than one hundred years ago.

This hunting area is the best destination for those hunters looking for a mountain hunting trip. During the red deer rut season (March to May) the hunt takes place almost all day long when the stags are roaring in the slopes of the hills.  This ranch is one of the very few of Argentina where hunters can book a successful hunt of red stag after the roaring season due of the high number of individuals roaming around our vast hunting area. As for the rest of the species, there is a wide variety of deer and rams roaming around the mountains. The volume and quality of our trophies, the beautiful environment and the challenging hunt made this destination famous around the world

The ranch has 60,000 acres with 30,000 acres high fenced. Free ranged hunts also available in the other half of the ranch.

What’s Included:

Premium with full board accommodations, World-class cuisine, Valet laundry, San Carlos de Bariloche airport reception and assistance, 1×1 professional guiding, Wi-Fi internet access, trophy scoring (SCI & CIC), first trophy preparation in the field.

Not Included:

Non hunting companions, hunting license, trophy tags, trophy fees according to the current price list, airfares, hard liquor, ground transfers, tips, exportation cost, hotels before/after the hunt, sightseeing trips, trophy exportation costs. Check our current price list to verify the cost of each one of them.


Accommodations are top notch; the lodge was recently renovated and is limited to six master bedrooms with all the comfort of a five star hotel. There is a chef who excels in the preparation of delicious local and International cuisine. Wine and beer are freely available during meals.

Trip Duration:

6 nights/5 days


$ 7800 (includes a stag up to 320 SCI in either free range or high fence)


Neuquen Province, Patagonia, Argentina

How to get there:

The most common way to reach our lodge is on an overnight flight from the United States or Europe landing in Buenos Aires the following morning.  Once in Argentina, hunters have to get a domestic flight over Bariloche city, the most important touring destination of Patagonia mountains followed by a comfortable transfer by car of around one hour to the lodge.

Aerolineas Argentinas and Latam Argentina service that route with many flights every day of the week.


Depend on the fees applied by the local wildlife authorities. In 2018 hunting license costs $ 150 and trophy tags $ 150/trophy (subject to change in future seasons).

Application Deadline:


Depends on the species. Red stag is open from March to May.

Interested? Fill out the form below or call us at (918) 258-7817 for more information.

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new hunters prep course

The purpose of ths course is to prepare you for an upcoming hunt, where you can expect to shoot at ranges from 200 to 500 yards. Hunting can be demanding and put a a good amount of stress on you both physically and mentally. Our instructors, who are avid hunters as well, will make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful on your next hunt.
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