TX-3 Sonora South Texas Management Buck/Doe/Hog/Predator Combo

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Not one and done! This hunt offers the opportunity at multiple deer! This hunt takes place on a  private ranch, located near Sonora Texas.  This ranch is known for lots of deer and hogs, offering the perfect opportunity to fill the freezer.

The main advantage of this ranch is the sheer numbers of deer, including bucks.  This area is known for good whitetail  management, in the South Texas brush country.   This ranch is mostly flat, with some very mild elevation changes.  This is a great hunt for seeing lots of deer every day, and lots of bucks, with 100% success rate so far.

What’s Included:

Lodging Meals, Guide, Game Prep

Not Included:

License, Gratuities


Lodging is a very comfortable modular home, converted into lodging facilities for hunters.

Trip Duration:

3 day hunts/4 nights(4 calendar days)


$3500 per person (1 management buck, 1 or 2 does may be harvested on biologist’s recommendation, hogs and predators) all included


Outside of Sonora, Texas

How to get there:

Contact Outdoor Solutions for driving directions to the secluded lodge.


Appx $350, covers all animals    

Application Deadline:

 No application required, license can be purchased online or at any Wal Mart in Texas


October – December

Interested? Fill out the form below or call us at (918) 258-7817 for more information.

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new hunters prep course

The purpose of ths course is to prepare you for an upcoming hunt, where you can expect to shoot at ranges from 200 to 500 yards. Hunting can be demanding and put a a good amount of stress on you both physically and mentally. Our instructors, who are avid hunters as well, will make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful on your next hunt.
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