Understanding and Adjusting For Parallax

July 2, 2024
Outdoor Solutions Staff


In the world of long-range shooting, accuracy is everything. One key component to achieving precision is understanding and correctly adjusting parallax on your rifle optic. Greg Ray from Outdoor Solutions' Long Range Shooting Schools shares his expert advice on this crucial aspect of shooting. Let's dive into his simple and practical tips to ensure your shots hit their mark.

What is Parallax?

Parallax is a common yet often misunderstood concept in shooting. Simply put, parallax occurs when your reticle (the crosshairs in your scope) and your target are not aligned on the same optical plane. This misalignment can affect the accuracy of your shots, causing the bullet to hit a different point than intended.

Identifying Parallax

A straightforward way to understand parallax is to use your finger as a reference point. Hold your finger in front of you and look at it with one eye closed while moving your head side to side. Notice how your finger appears to shift relative to the background. This is similar to what happens when your reticle and target are misaligned due to parallax.

Adjusting Parallax

Most high-end rifle optics come with a parallax adjustment feature. Here's how to use it:

  1. Start with a Clear Target: Ensure your target is clear in your scope. Adjust the parallax knob, usually located on the side of the optic, until the target appears sharp.
  2. Lock and Check: Once set, lock your rifle in place and move your head slightly up and down. If the reticle moves across the target, you need further adjustment. Keep adjusting until the reticle stays in place.
  3. Distance Adjustments: Parallax adjustments are crucial at different distances. Higher-end scopes often have markings for various yardages, but these are rough estimates. Fine-tune the adjustment based on your eyesight for the best results.

Key Tips and Takeaways

  • Ocular Focus vs. Parallax: Do not confuse ocular focus (adjusting the clarity of the reticle) with parallax adjustment (clarity of the target).
  • Incremental Adjustments: Parallax settings vary for each distance. Adjust each time you change your shooting range.
  • Equipment Choices: Quality optics with parallax adjustment don't have to break the bank. Reliable scopes like the Zeiss Conquest V4 offer this feature at a reasonable price.


Understanding and adjusting parallax is essential for precision in long-range shooting. By following Greg Ray's straightforward advice, you can enhance your shooting accuracy and confidence. Always remember to make those small adjustments for each shooting distance, and you'll see a significant improvement in your shot placement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parallax misalignment affects shooting accuracy.
  • Adjust the parallax knob for a clear target image.
  • Verify alignment by moving your head slightly with a locked rifle.
  • Make adjustments for each shooting distance.
  • Quality optics with parallax adjustment are affordable and beneficial.

For more detailed tutorials and tips, visit the Outdoor Solutions channel and enhance your shooting skills with expert guidance. Happy shooting!


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